Health research using the national administrative datasets
Friday 4 August 2023, 1pm
We are very pleased to announce the next ISPOR NZ webinar will be presented by Dr Chunhuan Lao.
Dr Lao is a biostatistician and health economist at the University of Waikato with 10 years' experience of using the national administrative datasets. Her PhD thesis was about the costs and cost-effectiveness of prostate cancer screening and treatments. After her PhD, she has worked in other HRC-funded projects, on breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, diabetes and co-occurrence of diabetes. Currently, she is working on a project "Characteristics, management, outcomes, and costs of systemic lupus erythematosus in New Zealand" funded by Arthritis New Zealand as a 3-year fellowship.
In this seminar, she will talk about her research on using the national administrative datasets and linkage with other registers, including Te Rēhita Mate Ūtaetae - Breast Cancer Foundation New Zealand National Register, the Midland Lung Cancer Register, and the Australia and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant Registry (ANZDATA).
The webinar will be held at 1pm on Friday 4 August. For details and registration, please see the event sign-up page.